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The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), commonly referred to as CUHK, is a collegiate public research comprehensive university in Hong Kong. Established in 1963 through the merger of Chung Chi College, New Asia College, and United College, it is the first research university in Hong Kong and the only one adopting a college system.
These predecessors include Hangchow University (established in 1845), St. John’s University, Shanghai (established in 1879), Lingnan University, Guangzhou (established in 1888), and Yenching University (established in 1919), among thirteen other church universities, making CUHK the higher education institution with the longest historical lineage in Hong Kong. The predecessor of CUHK produced alumni included several Chinese heads of state and premiers, such as President of the Republic of China Beiyang Government Wellington Koo, Acting President and Premier of the Republic of China Beiyang Government Yan Huiqing, President of the Republic of China Yen Chia-kan, Premier of the Republic of China T.V. Soong, Premier and Minister of National Defense of the Republic of China and Chairman of the Taiwan Provincial Government Yu Hung-chun, and Vice Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Rong Yiren.