Where to buy Girne american university degree certificate?
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Girne American University (Turkish: Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi) is a non-profit university in Kyrenia, a city in Northern Cyprus. The university was founded in 1985 by Mr Serhat Akpinar as an institution of American-style higher education. It part of YÖDAK, the higher education coordinating council of Northern Cyprus and YÖK, its Turkish parallel.
CAUMME, Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in the Mediterranean and the Middle-East, is a series of conferences organized by AUMME. The 2nd CAUMME Conference organized by Girne American University, Yıldız Technical University and Qatar University in 2014. The organization of a biennial international symposium in different areas of architecture and urbanism constitutes the main academic activity of CAUMME series of conferences. The first CAUMME international symposium was held in 2012 at Yıldız Technical University. The main motivation of the second CAUMME international symposium was on the concept of Post-Professionalism.